"Pugs" have a bad reputation as a fat and lazy breed and many people think that we can only jump on the sofa... It's about time the world see pugs as a healthy and active breed of dogs...
Our agility titles: Balearic champion 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. National champion in 2011 and 2012, finished second due to injury in 2013. Represented Spain at the World Agility Open in 2011, 2012 where we make the penthalon finales each year and in 2014 we were picked as a wild card and once again made the finales of the penthalon 14th overall and biathlon 23rd, I'm so proud of my Pancho for all his hard work....Yes a Pug at the World championships!!! In 2013 we also represented España at EO in Belgium and won 4 rosettes at the International Agility Festival in grade 6 with a 4th, 8th and 9th place and 1st place at the IFCS qualifier at Oxford.
Top 3 on every class at the Jersey Agility festival and made the small final. Pepito and Wilson have won titles too at trials like the Fab Show in Oxford UK in 2013 and team events with Pancho and many podiums at the Jersay agility festival too. I'm so proud of my babies, I really can't ask for more. OUR MOTO "PUGS RULE


13 déc. 2011

Seminar with Turid Rugaas about the Emotional life of dogs.

“A dog’s emotions”

Many researches on dogs have shown that a dog has EMOTIONS, a SOUL and FEELINGS too. We all knew that but still in the world many human beeing have doubts. The dog’s body and mind is like ours. New brain cells (limbic cells) reproduce themselves all the time but stress can destroy and block them from forming, this is why we need to make sure our dog’s life is a stress free and balanced one. Those limbic cells are very important for the good development of any dog. To make sure you have a well-balanced dog from puppyhood, you need to interact and teach him, have a lot of contact by touch and love him. Dogs with problems didn’t have the above developments, a dog left alone will search for human contact, and “love is the most powerful tool we have”… All we want for our dogs is a happy, healthy and long life.

STRESS is a big problem for many dogs and can cause health problems, emotional distress and lack of concentration which will result to frustration and fear. It’s a miracle dogs learn anything from us with all the stress we put on them. A friendly atmosphere is the best way for any dogs to learn, because as soon as the dog starts to gets anxious the brain stops working properly and this is where problems starts between the owner and its best friend. Humans are less trainable than dogs…

FEELINGS: see how your dog is feeling, look, observe and listen to your dog to see the emotions around him. Dogs are VISUAL animals; they look and observe what’s around them to get information. Dogs are also functional animals, when they talk it has a meaning, if angry there is also a reason for it, they were provoked or afraid.

EMOTION: dogs have their own language; we have to learn it to communicate better with them. We humans see one thing but dogs see the same thing differently and dogs have the same emotions than us: LOVE, COMPATION, CONSIDERATION, etc… A dog will show emotions to another dog by first getting: Tense then will show calming signals then more stress signals if that doesn’t work the dog will freight or freeze and the last result bite.

CALMING SIGNALS: it’s important to see and learn the calming signals or defense signals. The bite is the LAST thing a dog will do.

*Turn of the head: if you go straight ahead at a dog, he will turn its head to let you know you are impolite to come to him like that.

*Walking slowly – not going straight ahead but side ways: another polite way to come and meet another dog.

*Sniffing the ground – freezing position – nose down and ears down: all polite signals to introduce yourself to a dog.

*Eye going side to side – licking its lips – blinking – turning away – yarning – head down – lifting a front paw: all of those are calming signals if the situation is stressful for your dogs they will show at least one of those signals.

How to stop a dog from approaching: “HAND UP, don’t do or say anything” like if you were stopping someone from taking a picture of you. If a dog keeps coming towards you, stand tall and spread your arms and hands.

You can read those signals and more in Turid Rugaas’s book “The emotional life of dogs” and many more books related to dogs and their feelings.

NEEDS: The dog’s needs are simple, good food, water a nice comfy bed and a warm place to stay but they also need mental stimulations, they are very important to develop their limbic cells as well as physical stimulations for a healthy body. Dogs are social creature, they have no business alone outside away from humans and other dogs, they need friends and family like us to do thing as a group.

STIMULATIONS: a dog NEEDS to use its senses: his sight, hearing, body language and smell. We control our dogs too much, we need to let them be dogs and think for themselves in a safe way. I’m sure it has happened to you at least once “When the CHANNEL SNIFFING in ON, the CHANNEL HEARING in OFF” so you can shout as much as you want he or she will not hear you!!!! They will react to body movements to get them out of their little world or a simple touch.

SLEEP is very important for our dog’s well-being; it’s not a luxury but essential to a dog’s life. A dog will sleep between 12 and 18 hours a day depending of his activities and a puppy will sleep even more: 58% is for sleep 42% for activities. Dogs are POLYPHASIC sleeper, they sleep in phases and they are social sleeper too, they prefer to sleep in packs than alone. This is why I have 5 pugs in my bed every night!!!

A dog has 2 sleeping patterns:

*The slow way sleep: 47% of the total sleep (around 11 hours per day) this is the sleep of the brain when cells rebuilt themselves. The dog can be in any position for that kind of sleep as he is resting calmly.

*The REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movements): 12% of total sleep (around 3 hours per day) this is the sleep of the body. The dog will be resolving problems or figuring out think in that kind of sleep which can make him move all over the place or talk while sleeping “do not wake them up when they are doing it”. The dog will be sideways and knows that he is in a warm and safe environment.

So to re-cap, dogs need all the basic things that we need to have a nice and healthy life, good food, a nice place to sleep, warmth, and contact with other creatures and communicate, it’s so simple no?? But if you look around in the world many animals and humans are still living in dreadful conditions and unless we stop to think of ourselves all the time, many more animals and human being will live a sad and painful life.

10 déc. 2011

Seminar with Dawn Weaver

Pancho and I went to Girona for a 4 day seminar with Dawn Weaver. At the start I was a little nervous and not too sure what to expect, I didn't know too much about Dawn. I didn't want to change too much my handling as it works well with Pancho. I was very happy with the results as Dawn didn't change much BUT added to it... Having someone who has little dogs teach you how to handle them was so rewarding for me and my Pancho and we have learned so much. Now we just have to practice what we did in Girona and enjoy every minute of our agility. Thank you Dawn :)

This is the video of our seminar, enjoy...

30 nov. 2011

Dog training VS handler training

This is a subject I wanted to touch for a while now... We always hear about "training the dog" or "the dog's fitness" BUT WHAT ABOUT THE HANDLER'S FITNESS!!! I always have been involved in sports from an early age, from Alpine skiing, horse riding to triathlon for the GB team and I have learned that OUR fitness is as important as the animal's fitness. We see a lot of fast dogs in agility but the fitness of the handler is no way near as good as the dog's... It's a great shame, a real disadvantage for the dog and shows a lack of respect for the dog's efforts from the handler....

I may just have pugs but my Pancho and Pepito would kick butts in the 100m against people like Hussein Bolt!!! this is why I take my own fitness seriously.
My fitness regime includes running, cycling, fitness and streching.
I go twice a week for a run with Pancho and Pepito (both with their harnesses) for about 20 minutes and we include "5 to 6 sprints of 30 seconds" or we run as fast as possible to the top of every hills we can find. It's also a great way to practice your cues like "wait, ok, left, right, etc..." and my boys really enjoy running together, we are all winners!!
Please don't take your fitness for granted, you are not helping your dog and you will find agility more fun and more rewarding if you can keep up with your dog.

27 nov. 2011

Training weekend

This weekend, I created this course to include speed and quick controlled changes of directions, and I can tell you it's exactly what we got!!!! Both Pancho and I were out of breath at the end and really enjoyed our agility and my club mates too... Pepito was much faster that usual too, he is such a good boy that one.

Sunday we did the same course but made it easier with number 9 straight on and also number 14 (the other way round), we just wanted to have fun.

Baby Wilson is doing good, full of life and a happy little pug. On wednesday we are going to see the specialist for a check up. On the picture, he is with his pug family, they are all looking after him the best they can :)

25 nov. 2011

Bacterial Keratitis

Wilson has had an operation after a small ucleration of his right eye. The ucleration wasn't the problem but a bacteria called "KERATITIS" who started to eat the collagen inside his eye. The bacteria only entered the first layer of the cornea Saturday night but by Monday it entered the last layer and perforated the eye so an operation to remove the bacteria and reconstruction of the cornea was a must. Below is a quick articule about it...

"Corneal indentations and depressions are indicative of deeper stromal ulcerations. These ulcerations are often associated with bacterial infections (bacterial keratitis). Clinical signs of bacterial keratitis include corneal edema, corneal stromal cell infiltration, corneal melting, and the loss of corneal stroma (see picture). Scrapings of the infected area should be cytologically examined and submitted for culture and sensitivity testing. These serious infections usually require referral to an ophthalmologist, and hospitalization for hourly antibiotic and antiprotease treatment. Antibiotics and other drugs are delivered via the tear film since the cornea lacks a blood supply. Therapeutic drug concentrations are difficult to sustain in dogs with their high tear film turnover rate."

"Most dogs with bacterial keratitis are brachycephalic, and about half will show decreased tear production (15 mm/min). Many brachycephalic dogs are lagophthalmic and so poorly replenish the tear film by blinking. In these breeds, medial canthal trichiasis and distichia can both cause ulceration and inoculate bacteria within the tear film. Dogs with decreased tear production do not effectively remove and lyse bacteria from the corneal surface. In these cases, bacterial access to the corneal epithelium is also increased."

Wilson has dry eyes due to the lack of tear glands from birth, even with the addition of a lubricant gel twice a day, it wasn't enough to help the eye to fight the bacteria. Next week we are going to see the specialist to see if the bacteria was removed 100%. If the infection has done more damage the last thing will be to remove the eye completely but we are not at the stage and we are all hopeful for a good results.

20 nov. 2011

Back to work

This weekend, we started to train again after a 2 week break... On the first course, we worked on: the starts, different entrances to the slalum (including rear crosses) and all around the course, I used some front crosses and rear crosses. With Pancho, we had a great time outhere!! Pepito was a rocket in the slalum and also had a blast...

This second course doesn't look like much but jumps 4 to 5 could be a problem, my boys did great, no hesitations and at full speed too!!

This weekend was very enjoyable and we had a great time too. The weather did help with a beautiful sunshine and 20 degres.

9 nov. 2011

My champions

Our agility year for 2011 is now over and in an month time we will be starting the new season. My Pancho was brillant with 19 podiums "8 first place, 9 second place and 2 third place" including over all winner of the Baleares championships and the national championships in the class mini/midi. We also had the greatest honor to represente España at the World Agility Open in May this year with a 7th place at one of our runs. Can't ask for more, "I'm so proud of you my Panpan"

Pepito also did me proud with 5 podiums "2 second place and 3 third place" as well as finishing second behind Pancho at the Baleares championships. Pepito is my little champion.

Now we are going to take some time off to recharge our batteries and do... nothing at all!!!!
December is going to be a busy month with 1 agility seminare with Dawn Weaver, a seminare with Turid Rugaas about "The emotional life of dogs" and on the 17th and 18th our first competition for 2012.


2 nov. 2011

Wilson hydrtherapy part 2

Today was Wilson's last intensive hydrotherapy session. We are going to work at home with the excercises that you will see on the video and we will only go to the center for the pool training. I hope you will enjoy that video and more important that it can help you if your dog has a problem with displacia...

29 oct. 2011

A week to go before the Copa España 2011

We are a week away from the Copa España U.C.A 2011 in Girona near Barcelona. We are going with 2 teams from our club "Club Agility Mitjanit" from Mallorca. In team A: Pancho, Dolça and Anya and in team B: Pepito, Lagun and Eliott. We will be running in teams and as individual too. Gordon, Frimousse and Wilson are part of our fan club, they are ready to cheer everybody one... A small video to introduce our dogs and their owners, enjoy :)

26 oct. 2011

Brainy games for your dog

Physical activities are very important for your pug's health, but a mental activity is also a great way to add excitement in his daily life. We play with 3 mental games at least twice a month to keep their little grey cells active and it's also great fun!!! It's funny to see my 5 pugs use different methodes to work out how to get the food. We also play "hide and seek" or "fetch the correct toy", those activities are fun and there is not right or wrong... Have a go with your babies and enjoy ;)

22 oct. 2011

Weekend training 2 weeks before the Copa España UCA

Just 2 weeks before the Copa España UCA on the 5th and 6th of November in Girona, near Barcelona. So this weekend we are working on 2 jumping courses sent by a friend and we hope it will help us get the right results in Girona... Thanks Marc ;)

I liked this course, it is a fast course with front crosses, serpentine, a pull through that I messed up big time y
ou will see on the video!!!! and a few other handling manoeuvres, I really enjoyed today's training and my boys Pancho and Pepito did great.

This was Sunday's jumping, even faster!!! love it and my Pancho love it too!!!

The video of our 2 jumpings, on the first one you will see my big mistake i made with my pull throught on jump no5 to no6. The second jumping was fun and no mistakes, one run was enough.

15 oct. 2011

Wilson's hydropherapy session

We went to the hydropherapy center to start Wilson's treatment for his hip dysplacia. This video will show you some of the treatments that can help your dogs.

Today is the agility exhibition show at Llucmajor near Palma, it's a nice day and we are going to have fun... Have a nice weekend everyone.

12 oct. 2011

What's coming up this weekend

Today's training at home was great, we worked on what we planned yesterday and enjoyed every minute of it. The pull through was good but to reinforce the turn and make them tighter i need to use "Pan", it's the name I use in the ring to get his attention.

This is a video of the "one stride work" i like to do from times to times.

This weekend we are not training at the club, we have an agility exhibition organised by our club at Llucmajor near Palma. We are going to show the general public what is agility and explain what is involved when training your dog... We are going to start at 16h30, so if you are around, come and say "hello"... Have a nice weekend everyone :D

11 oct. 2011

The pull through

Our weekend was a good one and the training of the "push through" was fun. I can see that Pancho really enjoys his agility when we get more technical with the handling, I can see his eyes looking around and he is very excited when i ask him for quicker changes of direction. On that picture you can see the look i see on his small face and his eyes searching for the next jump, I love it ....

We are going to start tomorrow's training with Pancho's start position. I'm changing from the SIT/STAY to the STAND/STAY. I can see that Pancho keeps his concentration much better and is quicker to start too.
Then we are going to do some ground work, i want Pancho to understand how to use his legs independantly with this type of low poles, then one stride line of jumps, which will help him to push harder on his back legs and adjust his footing and speed.

Then we are going to practice the pull through on this small course on both side.

Then we will move on to those 2 courses to keep practicing the "Pull through", again we will practice on both side.

9 oct. 2011

Seminaire with Greg Derrett

This is a video of a seminaire with Greg Derrett we went to in March 2011. I made the comments on the video fun and they will direct you on our mistakes too... We learnt a lot and we are very happy with the outcome. We still practice what we were told and try to improve to make our agility runs as fun and successful as possible.

6 oct. 2011

Weekend training


Pancho is felling much better after his cough, I have given him some antibiotics called "Ronaxan" since Monday, after 12 hours his temperature was normal and his cough nearly gone. So Saturday we are
going to start nice and easy with:

* Sit/stay and looking at the jump ahead
* 1 course with front cross as a warm up

Then we are going to move on to the PUSH THROUGH with:
* one jump practice the push through
* and those 3 courses :

We are going to work both side of the 3 courses and reduce the distance between jump no 2 and 3 on the first 2 courses to improve speed on the ground.


We are going to practice on this course. Nothing crazy just a nice and controlled course, no speed involved.