"Pugs" have a bad reputation as a fat and lazy breed and many people think that we can only jump on the sofa... It's about time the world see pugs as a healthy and active breed of dogs...
Our agility titles: Balearic champion 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. National champion in 2011 and 2012, finished second due to injury in 2013. Represented Spain at the World Agility Open in 2011, 2012 where we make the penthalon finales each year and in 2014 we were picked as a wild card and once again made the finales of the penthalon 14th overall and biathlon 23rd, I'm so proud of my Pancho for all his hard work....Yes a Pug at the World championships!!! In 2013 we also represented España at EO in Belgium and won 4 rosettes at the International Agility Festival in grade 6 with a 4th, 8th and 9th place and 1st place at the IFCS qualifier at Oxford.
Top 3 on every class at the Jersey Agility festival and made the small final. Pepito and Wilson have won titles too at trials like the Fab Show in Oxford UK in 2013 and team events with Pancho and many podiums at the Jersay agility festival too. I'm so proud of my babies, I really can't ask for more. OUR MOTO "PUGS RULE


28 janv. 2013

Pancho's second FCI agility trial in Ibiza 2013

This weekend Pancho and I went to Ibiza for our second FCI trial at the Eivissa agility club. In December we had our first FCI trial in grade 1 where we had 6 clear rounds. But to go up in grade 2 we needed 3 clear rounds with 2 different judges. So this weekend was all about having a clear round and have fun. 
On saturday our first round was ok with a bad contact at the dog walk and a bad entrance at the weave, but the second round was perfect and there you had it our "clear" to go up in grade 2!!!!! I was releaved because those courses in straight lines are too much hard work for me and the table is Pancho's ennemy because he has to "wait"...
I'm so proud of my Pancho for all he is giving me. He also has shown that he may be a pug but he still kick butts in the ring by winning the over all classification on Sunday in grade 2 and also gain 1 point for the Spanish championships in May
Love you baby boy for ever.

14 janv. 2013

Gordon in his latest big movie "JAWS"

My Gordon is a very famous pug actor and has played in many movies like "Pug Rocky" and "Pug bath time"
His latest movie is a scary and a blood chilling Hollywood block buster called.... "Pug Jaws!!!"

13 janv. 2013

Sequences from Dawn Weaver's seminar from the U.S

This week we have been working on 3 different sequences from Dawn Weaver's seminars from the U.S.

On the first one we had a pull through and a push through
on the second one we had wraps and rear crosses 
and the last one a little of everything to finish our training

Pancho, Pepito and baby Wilson are all on the video to show you how we trained those sequences, enjoy :)

4 janv. 2013

Our first 2013 training day

After the rush and fun of the festivies and family reunion and parties,
we took some time off to relax and have peaceful family time...
The weather is very good, cold but sunny and we had our first day out training. I had a few things to work on like pull throughs and push throughs as well as our contacts. The folowwing video has all of those :D enjoy 

Feed backs of our agility year 2011/2012

The following are some feed backs between our agility years 2011 and 2012 (jumpings and agility courses): 

In 2011: 23 clear rounds, 6 eliminations, 12 poles, 6 bad contacts (dog walk most of the time), 7 refusals (missed weave most of the time) and his average speed 3.65 meters per seconds.

In 2012: 11 clear rounds, 10 eliminations, 27 poles, 5 bad contacts (dog walk most of the time), 5 refusals (missed weave most of the time) and his average speed 4.2 meters per seconds.

Pancho has done great to increase his speed as fast as he did but I haven't been that lucky and most of our eliminations due to MY LACK of speed... As for the poles Pancho was jumping 30cm in 2011 but at 40cm in 2012, a big increase for a small dog at measure only 32cm but he is doing great despite it all... 

In the last month Pancho has had an average speed of 4.42 meters per second... A great start for our new season 2013.
I have a great little dog and thanks to my Coach Dawn Weaver, we are getting where I want to be, thanks Dawn ;)